Replacing Thoughts with New Ideas
As the vibration of the earth speeds up and time moves faster, so does the repetition of our thoughts. This means that our thought patterns are becoming stronger, and what we think about has a more powerful creation potential.
If the present thoughts streaming through our minds are not in alignment with what we want to create, we may want to become more aware of what we are thinking, and take action to change our thoughts.
Our thoughts cannot change unless we replace them with new ideas. We have to replace past streams of thought, residing in the neural pathways of our brain, with new information.
Identifying the thoughts that we want to change is a valuable process. It allows us to clear old repetitive, conditioned thinking. When we are aware of our thoughts and understand their true nature, we can transform them.
Our brain relies upon our senses, thought, physical action, and memory to evolve. Anytime a sensory experience matches the vibration of a thought, it will surface from memory, becoming active in our minds.
The thoughts that come into our awareness connected with a feeling, are the thoughts we want to pay attention to. The thoughts that are associated with negative feelings, will most likely be the thoughts we want to replace.
Every time a non-beneficial thought stream surfaces in our minds, we replace it with new thought. Eventually, we will find that the old thought stream will diminish in activity, while the new thought stream becomes stronger.
In the act of thought replacement, we not only identify the non-beneficial thought stream, we also come to understand its true nature. This deeper level of understanding opens us to the wisdom contained within the thought itself. Why is this thought attempting to get my attention? How can I further evolve through the awareness of this thought?
We can use new thought to heal the past and reshape our future. We can replace limited thought with expansive thinking – moving beyond thought into alignment with our consciousness.
Rather than immersing ourselves in the story (which further strengthens the old thought stream), we become an active participant with consciousness, choosing to no longer derive our identity with our thoughts, or allow our thinking to separate us from our true selves.
By placing attention on our thoughts, we move beyond the smallness of the thought itself, into the realization that “your thought is not you,” it is only one glimpse into a prior experience. We discover that in truth, we are the spacious awareness in which the thought resides.
Photograph by Noppanun-phongtang