Riding the Collective Wave
This is definitely the best time to do your inner-work, as the infinite intelligence of the universe is supporting the denser energy of the collective humanity to rise.
If there is anything hidden, it will be exposed. If there is denial, the lightworkers will come to deliver the truth. If there is resistance to this expansion, one can expect to experience struggle. Our best choice then is to jump on board and ride the wave of this collective transformation.
If serious about transforming our collective trauma we will want to take advantage of this surge in energy. It is an optimal time to go deeper, to resolve the imbalances within us, and to clear up the obstacles to our soul’s highest evolution.
What is needed at this time is for our deepest heart intention to align with both our mind and body. We want to say yes to the surging energies of this collective wave, not only as a thought from our mind, but joined with a strong feeling from our heart.
We will know we have connected to our heart when our “yes” comes with a feeling of gratitude, and the understanding of how fortunate we are to be participating in this wave of transformation.
As we shift our focus from mind activity to heart activity, we rely upon the deep intuitive memory of the heart, instead of relying upon the past knowledge of the mind to guide us. By connecting more directly to the feelings of our heart and following what feels right in our body, we are able to reprogram our body to move beyond the past conditioning and unconscious behaviors of the mind. We are able to access our true wisdom.
To support this period of transformation we want to create a space for stillness in our daily lives. We need the space to listen, to deeply tune in to our body, and to respond to the information that we receive.
It will be beneficial to refine our energetic practices so that we can process the new information we receive in the most efficient manner. These daily practices will help our body to stabilize and integrate the energetic changes we experience.
As the collective transforms, our world may get messy. During this cleansing period it will be important to stay embodied, grounded to the earth, and clear within our energetic field. If for any reason we move out of alignment, we will want to pause, explore, clear things up, and then move forward again.
This collective transformation, designed for deep soul searching and revealing the truth of who we are – is not for the indecisive or those who like to sit on the fence. It is a time for clear and direct communication, meaning what you say, and taking action that is in alignment with your words.
Staying in balance with the laws of nature, we can ride the wave of the collective straight towards perfect alignment with our soul’s highest evolution.
Photograph by Tyler Lastovich