A Daily Celebration

At any time throughout our day, we can celebrate life. This celebration fills us with an immense feeling of gratitude for all that we have received.

We can celebrate the spirit guides, earth teachers, healers and messengers that assist us.

We can celebrate our wise body, clear mind, and expansive spirit.

We can celebrate the people in our lives who understand and support us.

We can celebrate the animals who are our dear friends and teachers.

We can celebrate the earth, how it sustains and fills us in so many ways.

We can celebrate ourselves- how brave, strong and devoted we are to a path of healing and transformation.

As we celebrate, we will feel the excitement in the air for what the future brings. We will realize how fortunate we are to be living with awareness during this transformative time.

As we move through our day in celebration, we reside in a state of appreciation. As we appreciate what each day offers, the radiant expression of our true nature expands, and our capacity to create something beautiful in our life emerges.

Photograph by Saksham Gangwar

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