A Daily Celebration

A Daily Celebration

At any time throughout our day, we can celebrate life. This celebration fills us with an immense feeling of gratitude for all that we have received. We can celebrate the spirit guides, earth teachers, healers and messengers that assist us. We can celebrate our wise body, clear mind, and expansive spirit. We can celebrate the […]

The Divine Flow of Life

The Divine Flow of Life

How do we gently flow throughout our daily lives? All we need is a willingness, the capacity to let go, an unrelenting desire to stay open to the divine flow of life. The divine flow of life is a current we unite with, a force we empower, an essence we dance with, one we call […]

Living in a Spiritual Way

Living in a Spiritual Way

We come into this lifetime as a spirit embodied in physical form. Our desire to be spiritual, is our inner wisdom guiding us back to this truth. Through a spiritual practice, we bring more awareness of this embodiment into our daily lives. This awareness leads us to the exploration of the deepest values and meaning […]

A Practice of Stillness

A Practice of Stillness

We begin by finding a quiet place in our home or in nature to sit in stillness. Sitting comfortably, we take two to three deep breaths to guide our body into a deeper state of relaxation. We practice non-movement. We close our eyes, relax into our self, and breathe naturally. We don’t attempt to change […]

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